2014年3月4日 星期二

Healthy Life 健康樂活:Seven Strategies to Slim Down 窈窕7守則



這篇來自 All Women Stalk 女性雜誌的文章,提供了幾點簡單的窈窕法則。

(Here are some tips provided by All Women Stalk Magazine, several passages are quoted, along with explanations on the paragraphs as well as translation in Chinese. To see the article, the resource is placed at the bottom.)


7 Strategies To Slim Down

1. Water is The Way to Go 多喝水,準沒錯
One of the simplest and best things you can do for your body is drink water, so why aren’t you doing it? If you tell me water is boring, no worries, add a slice of lemon, lime or cucumber to add a change of pace to your ordinary H2O. This will help you eliminate bloating(水腫)..
2. Make Fitness Part of Your Life 運動是生活的一部分
...If you make fitness part of your life you can always manage to find time.
3. Make Healthy Changes 一小步改變,是健康的一大步
Simple changes in your life add up (makes sense), like cutting out bread from your dinner, drinking more water, adding an extra ten minute workout into your day and making healthier food choices. All these changes add up to make a big difference to slim down (瘦下來)quickly. Transform your life to a healthier you!
4. Get Plenty of Greens 多攝取蔬食
Start eating more vegetables to get your daily intake of fiber(每日纖維攝取量), satisfy your nutritional needs and slim down. When in need of a snack, nosh on (informal: eat) some carrots..
5. Eliminating Late Night Snacking 別讓宵夜寵壞自己啦~
Late snacking can be sabotaging(sabotage 動詞,破壞) your slim down plan, especially if you are snacking on the wrong snacks......, get to bed earlier and you can boost your metabolism (促進新陳代謝)and increase your brain functionality(大腦功能、運作)!
6. Intensify Your Workouts 運動,還是運動
...If you intensify your workouts, you can burn more calories in your workout session and even later at rest. Not convinced? Well give it a try so you can be convinced when you see amazing results that you will achieve!
7. Become Friends with Your Scale 跟體重計「友好」
Stop stressing over the scale and weigh in...Even if you are up in weight from an outing, it is important to face the music(面對現實) and get back on track. So make friends with the scale(體重計)so you can achieve great slim down results(減肥成功)!
Resource for the article: http://weightloss.allwomenstalk.com/strategies-to-slim-down-effectively-and-quickly

