2014年3月9日 星期日

To Lead A Better Life 生活新知:電視放房間,小心孩子變小胖!

這篇摘自Scientific American的短文,揭露了小宅宅與小胖胖之間神祕的關聯!


Bedroom TV Linked to Kid Weight Gain

(by Dina Fine Maron)

Parents, it’s time to get the TV out of your kids’ bedroom. About 60 percent of all teenagers’ bedrooms in the U.S. include a TV set. Now research suggests that the mere presence of that TV in the bedroom is linked with weight gain—regardless of how long a youngster’s eyes are glued to(形容眼睛像黏在電視上一直看) the small screen.


The finding comes from phone surveys of more than 6,000 kids across the country that probed for details on height, weight and television practices. Even when the researchers controlled for factors including age, sex, socioeconomic status, video game playing and parenting style their discovery was confirmed: a bedroom TV was clearly linked with(有明確關連) heavier weight...


The jury is still out on why the link exists. The researchers suggest the weight gain could stem from(源自於) sleep disruption(睡眠被打擾)—since shorter sleep times are associated with putting on pounds. Another trigger could be increased exposure to(大量暴露於) junk food ads targeting kids(行銷主打兒童的垃圾食物).

至於這個關連的由來是什麼,目前仍未釐清。有人推測可能是看電視的習慣造成睡眠被打斷,因為片段的、不充足的睡眠,都是會讓體重增加的原因之一。另外一個可能性,就是看太多垃圾食物的廣告,被洗腦了,然後常常偷跑去買一堆垃圾食物吃。(這才有童年嘛~哈哈,just kidding) 

Limiting TV time requires consistent oversight. But simply moving the TV from the bedroom is an easy fix(簡單又有效的方法). It’ll burn some calories too.


Resource for the article:http://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/bedroom-tv-linked-to-kid-weight-gain1/

