2014年3月14日 星期五

Science World 科學視野:Blood Test Predicts Alzheimer's Disease 阿茲海默症能抽血預測了?

阿茲海默症,(俗稱的老年癡呆症,但並不建議用此稱呼),德國的精神病學家,愛羅斯阿茲海默於1907年提出此報告,因而得名阿茲海默。此病好發於65歲以上的老人,更是這個社會普遍的退化性疾病之一。在2006年,全球就有兩千六百多萬人罹患阿茲海默。據估計,2050年時,每85人會有一人罹患此病。阿茲海默患者首先可能會出現說話語義不清、東西常常忘記放哪裡,到漸漸出現人格與性情改變、易怒、忘記長期記憶等等.. 有看過「明日的記憶」嗎?裡面的男主角就是阿茲海默患者,照顧他的老婆一路下來也承受了許多煎熬。

病理上,阿茲海默症 患者會出現大腦皮質的及皮質下區域的神經元與突觸的損失,這是個不可逆的緩慢退化過程。然而,一直以來阿茲海默症為世人所擔憂的除了病症之外,就是它的不可預測性。原本健健康康的老人,怎麼會就這樣得病了呢?令人振奮的是,日前一項新出來的研究指出,阿茲海默症是有機會被預測的!


Blood test predicts Alzheimer's disease
By Elizabeth Cohen, Senior Medical Correspondent

(CNN) -- In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have developed a blood test for Alzheimer's disease that predicts with astonishing accuracy(有著驚人的準確度)whether a healthy person will develop the disease.Though much work still needs to be done, it is hoped the test will someday be available in doctors' offices, since the only methods for predicting Alzheimer's right now, such as PET scans(一種檢驗胴體尤其是腦部新陳代謝的斷層掃描 and spinal taps(脊椎穿刺), are expensive, impractical(不實用), often unreliable and sometimes risky.Alzhe


In the beginning, the researchers knew they wanted to find a blood test to detect Alzheimer's but didn't know what specifically to look for. Should they examine patients' DNA? Their RNA? Or should they look for the byproducts of DNA and RNA, such as fats and proteins?


"This is a potential game-changer(potential 是潛在的,或有潛力的。game-changer 指能改變局勢的關鍵)," said Dr. Howard Federoff, senior author of the report and a neurologist at Georgetown University Medical Center. "My level of enthusiasm is very high."
The study was published in Nature Medicine.


They decided to start with fats, since it was the easiest and least expensive. They drew blood from hundreds of healthy people over age 70 living near Rochester, New York, and Irvine, California. Five years later, 28 of the seniors had developed Alzheimer's disease or the mild cognitive problems(輕微的認知障礙)that usually precede(在...之前) it.


Scouring more than 100 fats, or lipids(脂質), for what might set this group apart, they found that these 28 seniors had low levels of 10 particular lipids, compared with healthy seniors. To confirm their findings, the researchers then looked at the blood of 54 other patients who had Alzheimer's or mild cognitive impairment. This group also had low levels of the lipids. Overall, the blood test predicted who would get Alzheimer's or mild cognitive impairment(認知障礙) with over 90% accuracy.


The beauty of this test, Mapstone says, is that it caught Alzheimer's before the patient even had symptoms(在阿茲海默症敲門前先預知了可能性), suggesting that the disease process begins long before people's memories start failing. He says that perhaps the lipid levels started decreasing at the same time as brain cells started dying..


Plus, people could get a heads up (to give someone information or warning) that they were probably destined to get Alzheimer's. Although some people might not want to know that they're destined for a horrible disease, others might be grateful for the warning...




Resource of the article: http://edition.cnn.com/2014/03/09/health/alzheimers-blood-test/index.html?iref=allsearch

