2014年1月17日 星期五

Curious About Science 科學好好玩:An Interesting Research About Eating Popcorn When Watching Ads




*be immune to: 對...免疫

Eating Popcorn 
Makes Movie-goers immune to Ads
By Breanna Draxler | October 14, 2013 
Popcorn and movies are inextricably linked分不開的、脫離不了關係的—like cotton candy and county fairs, or coffee and the morning commute. Equally ubiquitous in theaters is the reel of reel 本來是指捲軸,這裡引申像捲軸一樣一直轉呀轉的播放廣告advertisements that show before the film.

說到爆米花總會想到看電影,就像在美國的郡農產品交易會(就像電影Some Pig 一樣,county fair 是一種定期在美國不同郡選出最好的農產品或家禽,然後會有一些吃的玩的,有點類似園遊會的感覺)上一定會看到棉花糖、早上通勤時一定要來杯咖啡一樣。電影播出前會不停播送著廣告。
New research suggests the two are at odds不一致: popcorn actually makes advertisements ineffective.


Researchers in Germany sent 96 people to the cinema. Some of the movie-goers got free popcorn (score!) while the others were given a sugar cube (for real?!). Before the film, participants watched advertisements for unfamiliar products—things like Scandinavian butter.

When the researchers brought participants back into the lab a week later and asked them to rate various products (those advertised at the theater among them), the sugar-cubers showed a preference for 就是prefer的意思the advertised products whereas popcorners did not.


Munching and Memory
Apparently the munching gets in the way of 阻卻,影響 our memory很明顯可以發現一邊嚼食影響了人的記憶. Brand names simply didn’t stick for snackers, due to what researchers call “oral interference.”  As The Guardian describes ...

''The reason why adverts manage to imprint brand names on our brains is that our lips and the tongue automatically simulate the pronunciation of a new name when we first hear it. Every time we re-encounter the name, our mouth subconsciously practises its pronunciation…This “inner speech” can be disturbed by chewing, rendering the repetition effect redundant''


So for the time being, take your pick at the cinema: buy the pricey popcorn, or be swayed into spending that money later.

英文內容來源reference: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief/2013/10/14/eating-popcorn-makes-movie-goers-immune-to-ads/#.Uth_NqBX9D1

