2014年1月18日 星期六

Fitness 健身快訊:魔鬼身材怎麼練出來?


Celebrities walks red carpets. They walk red carpets with glamorous dresses, and it takes perfect body to WEAR them. So how to have a perfect body? Here are some tips and experiences shared by top trainers. You may click on the link at the bottom for further understanding about this article. 

Get A Superstar Body

When looking good is part of your job, fitness becomes a high priority. We asked top trainers how they help Hollywood celebrities stay in amazing shape—€”and how you can do it, too.
( by Lesley Rotchford and Rozalynn S. Frazier)

Stars aren't like us. 明星私底下怎麼做?

Yes, they crave cheeseburgers, struggle to take off baby weight別人覺得胖但你覺得還好, 對你而言就像小貝比的重量一樣沒什麼大不了 and even—gasp到抽一口氣!—get cellulite長肥肉. But they can throw money at the problem花錢解決問題, spending upward of $300 an hour on the best trainers to transform their bodies. 


Not to mention, an A-lister名人's paycheck often hinges on count on/ rely on her staying in peak form. 這些明星的體態維持的越完美,開的支票越肥(當他們教練真幸福!)"Celebrities have motivation, determination and, most importantly, pressure,"「他們有動機減肥、有毅力減肥,但最關鍵的是:壓力。」notes Los Angeles trainer Michelle Lovitt, who has worked with such age-defying凍齡的、逆齡的beauties as Courteney Cox, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Julianne Moore. 

Make your workout fast and furious 短時間內高強度無氧訓練

"Most celebs aren't gym rats健身咖(略帶貶意)," says Los Angeles trainer Harley Pasternak, who has worked with Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Jessica Simpson. "They don't have time, and they don't enjoy it because they have to deal with people pulling out their cell phones snapping pictures of them拿手機出來猛照." Pasternak's solution: short, high-intensity circuits that sculpt muscle, boost metabolism and can be done anywhere. 短時間內密集重訓可以鍛鍊肌肉、提高新陳代謝,而且機動性高、地點不成問題(解決了前面提到怕上健身房被別人跟拍的問題)。

*順便補充一個字,「基礎代謝率」basal metabolism, 「基本代謝率是指一個人在靜態的情況下,維持生命所需的最低熱量消耗卡數,主要用於呼吸、心跳、氧氣運送、腺體分泌,腎臟過濾排泄作用,肌肉緊張度,細胞的功能等所需的熱量。簡單來說,若你的基本代謝率是1200卡路里,而你整天都在睡覺,沒有任何其他活動的話,這天便會消耗1200卡路里。」


Halle Berry also swears by 信賴、遵循short bursts of intense exercise, reveals her trainer, Ramona Braganza. "Halle likes a hard-core激烈的 30-minute workout, so I typically do interval training間歇訓練 at a high intensity," says the Los Angeles fitness pro. "This requires you to expend more energy; you can easily burn about 400 calories an hour." And that doesn't count the bonus 額外的calories you continue to torch持續燃脂 after an interval session is over.

知名影星Halle Berry (演X戰警暴風女,你惹她生氣會把你咻咻咻吹掉那個)也是這種短時間內高強度無氧訓練的忠實信徒。她的健身教練表示「 Halle比較喜歡 那種短時間內高強度的訓練模式,所以我設計給她的訓練模式為高強度的間歇訓練,這種訓練能讓你輕鬆每小時燃燒400大卡,這還沒算進健身完後你的身體會持續燃脂的量。」

Have your heart in the right place 心跳對也是關鍵

A heart-rate monitor may sound old-school很老土, but it's a secret weapon of today's leading ladies....

That means working out at 60 to 85 percent of your max heart rate, a sweet spot where your body is actively burning fat for energy. "People get frustrated when they've been busting their butt, but the weight isn't budging努力老半天,體重卻絲毫不見下降," Lovitt says. "A simple change like a heart-rate monitor心跳記錄器 can help the weight melt right off."



Find the right toner for your shape 找到適合自己體型的訓練模式

"You may see a shot of a gorgeously fit celebrity in her SoulCycle shirt and think, 'I need to work out whereshe works out,'" Kirsch says. But one workout does not fit all一種訓練方法並不適用於所有人, he stresses. Celebs have their trouble zones, too, and must tailor their sweat sessions accordingly. For example, Drew Barrymore is apple-shaped, so if she gains weight, it's going to go to her midsection. Jennifer Lopez is a pear, which means her weight goes to her butt and thighs. Apple-shaped women, Kirsch notes, should stick to rowing machines划船機訓練—which will engage the core from shoulder to belly—as well as boxing拳擊 and planks撐體訓練(皮拉提斯常常會做). Steer clear of pull-ups引體向上, rows or bench presses, he advises. "Apples need to find their waist, and placing emphasis on=emphasize 強調 the back and arms will just make you look blocky短小精幹."
Pear-shaped? Heavy-weighted exercises (think leg presses) and too much cycling can add bulk to增大 your bottom half...



= 完美體態!

Good luck on your losing weight

英文文章來源/resource of the article: http://www.health.com/health/article/0,,20732249,00.html

