2014年1月30日 星期四

Philosophy of Life 生活哲學:How Teams Really Work? 從球隊一窺團隊哲學


What is the most important must-have to lead a team? 
A group of a-list players? An experienced coach? 
Or maybe there's a much more simple philosophy in leading a team? 

How Teams Really Work

By Ed Smith. From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, January/February 2014
One of the misconceptions(誤解) about elite sport is that great athletes have nothing in common with normal human beings. Instead they are seen as supermen who have risen above the flaws and anxieties that define the lives of others. The superman delusion(認為他們都是超人的幻覺) also distorts(扭曲) how we think about teams. When a team establishes a dynastic supremacy(締造輝煌), instead of recognising that it is always in a state of flux(總是在變,state是狀態、flux是變遷), we pretend it has a stable collective personality(穩定的集合體). We turn the team into a superman.


A winning team does not, in fact, require everyone to play well all the time—or even any of the time. Sir Alex Ferguson struck a deep truth(一語道破)when he said that in football you only need eight players to perform well to win......
其實,常勝軍隊伍裡的每個球員並非都是頂尖好手。知名足球教練Sir Alex Ferguson 認為,一支隊伍其實只需要八位打的好的球員。(言下之意:一支好的隊伍絕對不只是需要好的球員這麼簡單而以!) 

The reality of team dynamics(團體動力學,一種關於團隊、研究團體運作、形式、使用場合、對象、形式等等的學說) is much more subtle and interesting than superman theory(超人說,源自尼采 ,認為人能克服人性上等困難) allows. All teams, even the greatest, include a range of characters, not all of them psychologically bulletproof(並非所有人都能有完美人格及最正向的心理,bulletproof原指防彈的). There are those who surf the wave(有些人順從性較高、遵從指揮) as well as those who turn the tide(有些人較有自己想法、不守規範)...


It is another myth, however, that good coaches and captains have the capacity, or even the inclination, to get everyone on board(get to work for the organization). Instead of dreaming of perfect loyalty(忠誠) from everyone, effective leaders(優秀的領導者,effective形容人這裡指有能力達成目標的) often make the opposite calculation(反向操作). Given that there will always be one or two intransigent skeptics(不配合的球員。intransigent是不願妥協的、skeptic是指持懷疑態度的人), it’s better to focus on players who you can bring into your camp(能加入你陣營的人)

"You never have everyone," the best coach I played under told me, "but instead of wasting your time on the one or two determinedly difficult characters(超級難搞的人), turn your attention to the two or three waverers they take with them." It's very hard to lead a team with only half the players on side, but it's possible with eight or nine, and a couple yet to be convinced. Forget unanimity(一致性,這裡指所有球員的忠誠度), seek a quorum(最低總數,這裡指專注在球隊總體的忠誠、服從、和平,而非鑽牛角尖於那一兩個人).






文章來源/ Resource for article: http://moreintelligentlife.com/content/ideas/anonymous/sports-golden-mean

