2014年2月10日 星期一

Love and Life 愛與生活:A Secret to Strengthen Marriages 一起看電影的小秘密

這篇有趣的文章,擷取自《經濟學人》Intelligence Life專欄,探討關於夫妻「一起看電影」能維繫感情,箇中究竟又藏有什麼秘辛呢?

This article is partly quoted from The Economist, along with translations placed below each paragraph. It's talking about how watching movie together can strengthen a couple's marriage. 


Movie-Watching Together Strengthens Marriages 「一起看電影,維繫好婚姻」

by Christie Nicholson

Keeping a marriage together takes effort(需要努力). And care. And maybe even watching classic romance movies, like The Way We Were or Husbands and Wives. And this is because of the conversations such movies can start.That’s the finding from a study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology...


Psychologists found that encouraging couples to watch romance flicks(浪漫片, flick 電影) and then discuss them cut the divorce rate in half(離婚率下降五成).


The researchers divided 174 newlywed couples(新婚夫妻) into three programs: active listening, where one spouse listens and then paraphrases back what they heard; or compassion training, doing random acts of kindness for your partner; or watching a movie a week for a month.


The movie-viewing couples discussed each film after watching it, guided by questions about the characters. Questions like: “Were they able to open up and tell each other how they really felt, or did they tend to just snap at each other with anger(對彼此發脾氣)?”

實驗結果,電影欣賞組的夫妻會在觀影結束後,會一起討論電影中角色的問題,如:「他們是不是能夠對彼此坦開心胸、並說出自己真實的感覺? 還是他們就是比較習慣對彼此發脾氣呢?」

All three programs worked very well, dropping the divorce rate after three years to 11 percent... But the movie program is much more accessible(比較容易取得) and cheaper than counseling(諮詢).


The researchers note the magic is not really in the movies, but rather the time that couples take to think about behavior. But hey, maybe sitting together in the dark helped too.



