2014年11月21日 星期五

Attention Please!! 容易分心的專注一下看過來吧~:Tips to Improve Your Attention Span





(written by CJ GOULDING)欲參閱全文請至此網址 (resource):http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/7-tips-improve-your-attention-span-and-focus-instantly.html

Your attention span (注意力) is the amount of time you can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted. Most educators and psychologists agree that the ability to focus attention on a task is crucial for the achievement of one’s goals. It’s no surprise attention spans have been decreasing over the past decade with the increase in external stimulation (外部刺激). The average focused attention span in 2013 was 8 seconds, down from 12 seconds in 2000, and one second shorter than the average attention span of—a goldfish (9s). Some of you have already lost focus reading this article, and many of you won’t make it to the end...



1. Get some exercise.

Physical activity can help improve your attention and focus, as it releases chemicals in the brain that affect learning and memory. Even better than a cup of coffee, exercise can provide a short-term boost to your mental and cognitive(認知的) performance, making you smarter and making it easier to focus. Who wouldn’t want to be smarter?


2. Drink more fluids.

A 2012 study in The Journal of Nutrition found that mild dehydration—which can be so slight that you don’t notice or feel thirsty—can lead to inattention. The age old adage or recommendation of 8 glasses of water has been debunked (although drinking water is very important), with the Institute of Medicine now believing that for most of us, the recommended amount of beverages, including water, would be approximately 9 cups for women and 12.5 cups for men. So drink up!


3. Take stock of the important things in your life.

Take some time to think. What tasks or assignments cause you the most worry and stress? These are most likely the most important things in your life. Once you do this and determine where you will dedicate your focus, you can break these important things down into smaller tasks which are easier to accomplish and will add up, moving you forward to the larger overall objective.


4. Get rid of obvious distractions.

Today’s society is built on a foundation of technology and the ability to be connected to everyone everywhere all of the time. However, that saturation with “connection” is one of the root causes of inattention and lack of focus. On average, an office worker checks their email THIRTY times in ONE hour. So, when sitting down to focus on a task, you can close all irrelevant tabs, stay away from checking email, and settle in a quiet environment. If you are constantly getting text messages and Facebook/Twitter notifications, set your phone aside for a predetermined amount of time...


5. Work on one set objective at a time.

Multitasking is the enemy of focus. While most people will profess to have the ability to do multiple things at once, the scientific truth is that when attempting to accomplish multiple tasks simultaneously, none of the attempted tasks are completed at the highest level. Constant switching between tasks takes away from getting the other done.
So take a singular objective, and let that be your sole focus until the work you have planned is completed. You will find yourself making more significant progress and feeling less stressed.



6. Take numerous small steps.

...So in any instance when you feel like your attention span is waning and your focus is slipping away, determine what small steps you can take to move towards that overall goal.

(前面舉了關於減重的例子這邊就不再多詳述了唷)這段其實跟第三點有異曲同工之妙,前者強調找出事情的優先順序、分割成小塊任務以利完成,這點則是說"chunking"的重要性。也就是「分割」,或分成很多小步驟,一個步驟一次做好,漸漸地你就能完成整個任務,並在持續完成每個小步驟的同時保有一定專注。(我個人是喜歡把待完成項目寫在我的週記本裡,完成之後便會很開心地打個小勾勾XD 說來有點好笑,我居然用這種方式制約自己督促自己做事情,但真的還蠻有效的,而且會讓自己蠻有成就感呢!)

7. Focus—and REfocus.

The key to improving your attention span is what you do when you reach your limit. Sustained attention is the level of attention that produces the consistent results on a task over time. If the task is handling fragile objects, such as hand-washing delicate crystal glasses, then a person showing sustained attention will stay on task and will not break any dishes. A person who loses focus may break a glass or may stop washing the dishes to do something else.
Most people are unable to sustain attention on(持續專注於) one thing for more than about 40 minutes at a time, so sooner or later, you will lose focus. But people who have great focus realize when they get off track and choose repeatedly to re-focus on the same task. This ability to renew attention permits people to “pay attention” to things that last for more than a few minutes, such as long movies. So improving your attention span becomes a cycle of focus, distraction, and Refocus.

持續專注的方法之一就是在你快不行的時候給予適當刺激。sustained attention就是建立在這樣概念下的名詞,亦是就是在做事情時專注於任務本身不斷地刺激。例如,當你在清洗一堆易碎玻璃製品時,你會盡量保持一定的專注才不會不小心弄破玻璃。多數人無法一次專注超過40分鐘都不分心,所以人們不管再做什麼遲早會分心的。重點是要如何「抓回」你的專注力。就好像你在看一不很長的電影一樣。因此,改善注意力本身就是一個「專心」、「分心」、「抓回來」的過程~


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