2014年1月22日 星期三

Environment Concerns 環境大小事 : Let's Leave The Shells Alone ! 沙灘客照過來


(這是在墾丁南灣沙灘拍的~好懷念的溫暖海灘呀/ The photo was taken in Kenting.)

Beachcombers Leave It Shell Shocked
Jan 21, 2014 |By Sophie Bushwick


Collecting seashells is a classic part of a beach vacation. But this seemingly innocent pastime(消遣)can have serious environmental effects.


Starting 30 years ago, a survey was made of the shells on Spain's Llarga Beach every month for three years. When researchers repeated the count just a few years ago, the number of shells was down by two-thirds(貝殼的數量下降了三分之二) compared with their former numbers. Urbanization(都市化) or commercial fishing (商業性捕魚)were the likely culprits(可能的兇手,culprit原意為罪犯), but the area experienced no significant increase in either. It did, however, see a threefold bump in tourism. And the number of shells on the beach dropped significantly during times of the heaviest tourism(觀光旺季時)...

三十年前,研究者在西班牙的Llarga 海灘進行貝類調查,並在幾年前發現一項驚人事實:相較於前一次的數據,海灘上的貝類總數居然驟降了三分之二。在過去,都市化與商業性捕魚行為被認為是可能元兇,但海灘上的貝類就算有減少,也沒有這樣大幅度的減少。反而是在旅遊旺季時,來此觀光的旅客絡繹不絕,海灘上的貝殼也欲哭無淚了..

Shells provide homes and hiding places for organisms(有機體,生物) from hermit crabs(寄居蟹) to algae(藻類), contribute to the global carbon balance(全球碳元素的平衡), and even help prevent beach erosion(海岸侵蝕,又稱coastal erosion). If tourists worldwide are taking shells in significant numbers, it could have a major impact on beach environments. In other words, sightseers shouldn't seize seashells by the seashore.



