2014年1月20日 星期一

生活英文:不同天氣怎麼說?Climate Metaphors


每當別人問你今天天氣如何時,"it's good", "not bad", "it's bad"這三句用完了之後...似乎就用完了。別怕,今天就來補充一些些豐富的用法吧~用在口說、寫作,都是很不錯的選擇。

「冷」除了cold以外, 還可以有 chilly, freezing, nippy
「熱」除了hot以外,如果想表達熱到破表,可以用boiling, sweltering, roasting, sizzling.
「風」很大的有windy, blowy, breezy(這個比較像微風輕拂。微風廣場 Breeze Plaza.)
「悶」則有humid, muggy, clammy
「雨」下很大的話可以說it's pouring/ it's chucking it down/ it's raining cats and dogs
             如果只是毛毛雨用drizzling 也ok

Climate Metaphors 天氣的引申用法

1. Climate
*create a climate of + N.  形成..的局面
ex: Her dishonesty toward her company creates a climate of distrust. 
ex: The manager is trying to create a climate of change. 經理力圖振作求新求變

*political/ cultural/ financial/ social/ current + climate   ... 的局面/氛圍
ex: This country has a dynamic cultural climate.

2. Sunny
*has a sunny disposition 性情陽光
*前景看好 These kids' prospects are sunny. 或是 have a promising/ rosy future

3. Cloud
*under a cloud of... 被..籠罩著
ex: He was kept under a cloud of suspicion from the public. 被大眾懷疑
*cloud 當動詞也有罩住的意思
ex: Don't let your love for her cloud your judgement. 別讓愛沖昏理智

4. Hail  冰雹(n) 一陣...
ex: The gallant soldiers were facing a hail of bullets. 士兵身陷槍林彈雨
ex: The president is greeted with a hail of questioning. 總統面臨猛烈質問

5. Frosty結霜的
ex: Sadly, my propose met with a frosty reception.引申被拒絕

6. Whirlwind 旋風
ex:They had a whirlwind romance. 轟轟烈烈的愛
*a whirlwind of 一陣...
ex: The changed policies have sparked off(引起) a whirlwind of suspicion. 引起懷疑
ex: The speech ignites(點燃) a whirlwind of speculation. 這場演說引起一陣深思 
*sow the whirlwind and reap the whirlwind 播種的是暴風,收割的也是暴風

7. Thunder 雷
ex: The horses thundered down the race track. 賽馬如雷之勢開跑
ex: Thunderous applause followed Katy Perry's performance. 如雷貫耳的掌聲

8. Mist 霧
*in the mist of 在...的迷霧中
ex: The truth is hidden in the mist of time.
*misted-eyed 含淚的; 也有朦朧的樣子

