2014年1月24日 星期五

Beauty News 保養新知 :What to Keep In Mind When Washing Face? 洗臉的遊戲有哪些規則


Washing face is an indispensable step in daily life, but with wrong ways, you may annihilate your skin bit by bit and that's really not cool. This is a part of the article I quoted from Beaty News in ELLE Magazine, and I've also put the Chinese translations beside each paragraph. 

雜誌的Beauty News(美容新知)專欄提供了幾個洗臉時務必有的觀念與保養常識,我也在每段下方附上中譯給水水們參考:

Six Biggest Mistakes You're Making 

When Washing Your Face 六大洗臉迷思

1. Overdoing it 洗過頭
Too much washing can age your skin...


2. Using a harsh cleanser 洗臉用品不優質

Consider swapping out soap — which can strip your skin of its natural oils(帶走肌膚的天然油脂) and cause irritation(irritate,動詞,激怒/ irritation,名詞,激怒、刺激,這裡指刺激肌膚)...  particularly if you have sensitive skin. Also, look for cleansers with calming ingredients(溫和的成分), like green tea, that will soothe(紓緩) sensitive skin. And if you have oily, acne-prone skin(油性痘痘肌), use a face wash with salicylic acid(水楊酸).


3. Either over-exfoliating or not exfoliating at all 過度或完全不去角質都NG

Using an exfoliator(去角質產品)can enhance the texture and tone of your skin. “As we get older, our own enzymes(一種酵素) that normally exfoliate our skin are no longer as effective so complexions(氣色、膚質) can look rough and dull,” New York dermatologist Jeannette Graf, MD, told Good Housekeeping. She recommends exfoliating at night, since that's when skin is in "renewal mode(更新模式啟動)," generating new skin cells. But keep in mind that exfoliating more than twice a week can irritate your skin(刺激肌膚).


4. Not washing off your makeup before bed 睡前不卸妝

Yes, it's tempting(誘人的)to fall asleep with your makeup on — who hasn't done it? But it can ruin your complexion for weeks, since makeup clogs your pores(阻塞毛孔) and prevents sebum(皮脂), the lubricant(潤滑劑) in our skin that moisturizes(滋潤) skin and removes dead skin cells, from doing its job...


5. Rinsing with too-hot water 洗臉水溫過高

This is especially important in the winter, when we are more dry-skin prone(更容易乾燥). Since hot water can dry out your skin, try to wash your face at the sink, rather than in the shower, so you can use lukewarm(溫的) or cold water.


6. Overusing facial wipes 過度使用卸妝棉/濕紙巾

Facial wipes are convenient for removing makeup or doing a quick cleanse when you're in a hurry or at the gym, but don't use them in place of(取代)your regular cleanser. To thoroughly clean your pores, always follow up with a cleanser and/or scrub when you get home.



文文章來源/Resource for Article:  http://www.elle.com/news/beauty-makeup/the-biggest-mistakes-youre-making-washing-your-face

