2014年11月7日 星期五

Visual Bias 關於對容積的迷思:高度與寬度的錯覺

嗨 我又浮出來了! 
Anyway, 這篇是我在逛 Science 這個網站看到的,關於人腦在判斷高瘦型杯子與矮畔型杯子容積時,容易對高瘦型杯子有「噢!這杯比較多!」的錯覺。那是因為我們視覺上對「高度」及「寬度」的認知不一樣。 

**文章片段摘自Science的Brain and Behavior專欄,作者為Jia You,網址連結如下

"See glass half empty? Your diet may be in trouble"

Are you a glass half full or a glass half empty person? When it comes to dieting, your answer could change how many calories you drink, according to a study published this month in PLOS ONE. Food psychologists have previously found that people drink less and feel more satisfied when they use a tall, skinny glass rather than a short, wide one, because the human brain perceives height more readily than width. Now, researchers suggest a more nuanced (更細微的 more subtle) reality: The difference also has to do with where you focus your attention when you pour that drink. 



When the scientists asked people to pour an amount of lemonade that they deemed (considered) equivalent to a shot into a glass, the participants poured less into a skinny glass and more into a wide one of the same volume, as expected. 

But when the team asked the participants to leave a fixed amount of space at the top of the glass, the participants poured more lemonade into the skinny glass, because the same visual bias tricked them to overestimate the amount of space left unfilled in the skinny glass. So if you are on diet, remember to view the glass half full when you use a slender glass.



其實第一個實驗室一開始提到的 half full 心態,你是基於「倒進了多少飲料」來判斷。

第二個是 half empty 心態,端看你在杯子裡「留下多少空間」。


